Is it all worth it?

Riva shares her story of staying with friends in London. As her husband and friends sleep she finds herself jet-lagged and disoriented on the bathroom floor, trying to correct a terrifying and possibly deadly hypo. Unfortunately many diabetics can relate to his, I certainly can!
As I played in the garden with my daughter Olive, then 10 months I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes, strangely overcome with tiredness. Why? Surely a quick nap in the sunshine would do the trick. Through the brain fog I realised my blood sugars must have been low and remembered the gate was open. If I kept my eyes shut and gave in to the low, who knows what would happen to my beautiful crawling toddler. But I was so tired…
I’m not sure how, but I manage to pull myself together and get us both inside to eat. Within 30 minutes I was back to normal.
The show must go on. The world keeps turning.
This week is no different. Even though I’m being battered by every high and every low, I must keep going. I will keep going, for my family and for every diabetic out there also fighting hard to master diabetes.